2022 Campaign video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPczOEXMMuo
Pennsylvania First
“Make Pennsylvania Efficient”
Our Plan to Govern:
Restructure: Form a 'DOSE', Dept of State Efficiency & freeze hiring for 2 years.
- Recommend our Gen Assembly limit government size from 253 to 67 Reps (1 per county) plus 17 Senators (1 per congressional district). Enact term limits. Gen Assembly must downsize itself. It's on them!
- Make Election Day a state holiday to coincide with Native American Day.
- Allow Independents to vote in the Primary.
- Repeal Act 77 and return to voter ID. NO Satellite offices or Sanctuary cities.
- Reduce the business tax to 5%. Rescind 5 laws or regulations for every new one passed. Cut electricity rates 30% by rebuilding power plants and using fossil fuels.
- Eliminate yearly registration fees and the employees who process them.
- PA Powers the World- LNG port in Philly to export gas. Reject RGGI. Eliminate the .57 cents fuel tax ($1.1B) & all tolls (except I-76) over my term(s). Reduce inflation.
- Reduce the budget by 3%, use the $1.4B to pay for the fuel & toll savings. Freeze seniors property taxes.
Social: "From Many One"
- No one will be terminated for free speech unless it incites violence.
- Cancel Culture of individuals can be prosecuted as harassment. Eliminate DEI.
- Attacking a law enforcement officer will be a hate crime. Pass Kyle's law for self-defense. Give Sheriff's additional police powers.
- Limit Welfare to 6 years per child and a maximum of 10 total years for parent.
- ESA School Choice to any school & save $2B. Public School costs $26k, private costs $14k!
- All public schools will recite the Pledge of Allegiance & 12 rules to live by; 10 will sound familiar.
- Patriotic 1776 education will be taught along with a Creation Apologetics class to force students to think. Expose Darwin as a racist.
The 2nd Sat of July will be a 2A celebration.
Our Children Do Not Belong to the State!
- Help me Make PA Efficient. Patriots and church goers vote Republican. Progressives and National Socialists vote Democrat.
- Pa
is 46th in population growth, 42nd in business growth, 38th in fiscal health and 15th in taxes.
Help me make Pa the Texas of the Northeast.
- Protect your freedom by Voting 4 Ventre.
- Conservative values are the only values for our children.
How are Trump & Ventre similar:
1. Grew
up in NYC.
2. Executive
3. Published
4. Had
a reality TV show.
5. Common
6. Creativity.
7. Efficient.
8. Attacked
by Left.
9. Not
supported by RINOs.
10. Supports
Christian values.
11. Patriotic.
12. Political